sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013

The fear of loosing (or: The ability to move on)

It's interesting how human behavior works.
One of the things I have constantly thought of is about the fear of loosing.
Loosing money, for an instance.  That's the biggest obstacle that keeps us from making more money (there are studies about that).  By fearing the loss of money, you avoid riskier moves, that would bring us lots of profit.
Loosing someone is another good example.  But "loosing" as in a girl-boyfriend relationship, because death is inevitable.  As you reach certain age, your friends start to rush into marriages or as-married relationships.  Most of them do that because of the fear of "loosing" the one they have, or for fearing not finding another someone (I have proof of that, since many of the just-married people I know (early 30's), already complain about marriage...)  Oh, come on!
Of course, in the end the majority complains because there are people that only bitch around 'bout everything.  Marriage is good, as any relationship, if you take your time to find a great person (I mean a real and not dream one).
By taking your time, you end up finding someone that fits your good and bad qualities (don't tell me you don't have any!)
Loosing your professional career, is another big one.  People, in general, as always, are career-self centered.
Many ask me about my travelling adventures.
One thing I came to know, very recently, was about Steve Job's trip to India. (btw: I was in SF by the time he passed away).  He said once:

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

I can't deny that it's comforting to see such great examples.  Examples that shows us that we need to let go, in specific times of our lives, in order to grow in every aspect.
Practice the ability to move on and then you'll know when it's time to settle least 'till the next adventure that comes up. ;)

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