sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013

When one is company!

Of course that's possible!  That's very true, indeed.
People tend to search for happiness in others...but it is in you.
If you don't straight your issues, you'll never be happy.  Doesn't matter if you find the most charming girl, make good money, have a big house etc.
It's inside you.
If you're good with yourself, you'll have a better relationship, you'll use your good money better, you won't matter on having a big house, but a very cool house, either big or small.  Peacefull, that's how your home should be.
Feel good anywhere in this world!

One time only!

Sometimes you have really good and intense traveling experiences!  They change ya and give ya great memories and stories to tell.
That makes you fell like going back, it's natural.  But when you do that there's also a disappointment because it's not the same, and it'll never be.
That people you met won't be there.  And they were the ones that helped make it all that fun!
My first trip to Buenos Aires was unique.  It also had that discovering flavor, that spices it up, a little.  The next ones to BAires weren't bad, but weren't as much fun, for sure.

So, if you go back, make it a new trip!  Visit different spots.  Don't try to remake the past one.  Meet the new people that will cross your path!  Add things to your life!  Time is short!

It's a one time only offer, my friend!  Enjoy it now!  Time won't go back!

Good bye!

The time to say good bye is never the beginning.
After some travelling, you get used to it.  Plus, you shouldn't be that attached in a negative way to material things (people included).  Plus plus, the people that really like you, will still like you, and you'll like and remember'em too.
I don't wanna sound cliché, that's something I've learned quite a few years ago.  That's not easy to do, as we mostly live in a material culture.  There's also human's part of us.

But, as times goes by (like always, right?), you LEARN! And you become stronger!  And this strength provides you freedom!  Freedom that will make you move on in your journey.  Each one of us has a path to follow.  
But many don't stay on their tracks.  And they'll spend theirs lives complaining, instead of going after what would make their lives truly better.

The more I travel, the more I wanna do it again!  That's my definition of living!  Oh, la vie...profitez-la


Once you take your first solo trip, there's no way back!  Addiction to freedom!

First, you don't have to wait on nobody to go places, on your free time!  And, when you're at your destination, you don't have to wait on nobody to visit the spots you wanna see!

But then, those are the opportunities when you find and meet more people that are going the same way, and go along!


The fear of loosing (or: The ability to move on)

It's interesting how human behavior works.
One of the things I have constantly thought of is about the fear of loosing.
Loosing money, for an instance.  That's the biggest obstacle that keeps us from making more money (there are studies about that).  By fearing the loss of money, you avoid riskier moves, that would bring us lots of profit.
Loosing someone is another good example.  But "loosing" as in a girl-boyfriend relationship, because death is inevitable.  As you reach certain age, your friends start to rush into marriages or as-married relationships.  Most of them do that because of the fear of "loosing" the one they have, or for fearing not finding another someone (I have proof of that, since many of the just-married people I know (early 30's), already complain about marriage...)  Oh, come on!
Of course, in the end the majority complains because there are people that only bitch around 'bout everything.  Marriage is good, as any relationship, if you take your time to find a great person (I mean a real and not dream one).
By taking your time, you end up finding someone that fits your good and bad qualities (don't tell me you don't have any!)
Loosing your professional career, is another big one.  People, in general, as always, are career-self centered.
Many ask me about my travelling adventures.
One thing I came to know, very recently, was about Steve Job's trip to India. (btw: I was in SF by the time he passed away).  He said once:

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

I can't deny that it's comforting to see such great examples.  Examples that shows us that we need to let go, in specific times of our lives, in order to grow in every aspect.
Practice the ability to move on and then you'll know when it's time to settle least 'till the next adventure that comes up. ;)

Do que as outras não têm

(ou: Do que as outras se esforçam para ter.  Ou: Do que as outras desejam.)

Elas não têm o cheiro da sua pele;
Elas não têm um sorriso como o seu;
Elas não têm o andar sensual como o seu;
Com essas pernas torneadas como as suas;
Elas não têm um olhar afetuoso como o seu;
Elas desejam um cabelo como o seu;
Tão importante quanto: elas não têm a classe que você tem;
Tudo...só você!

(ideia surgida na biblioteca - 8.4.12, às 16:50 -, enquanto trabalhava num caso)

sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013

Basic tips

Don't need an agency to book your trip (packages with specific pre scheduled routes).  We have internet today, you know.  Price advantage?  Not exactly.  I think you'll enjoy more by doing what you like more, even if that means spending a little more - things don't need to be expensive to be good (that's what sellers want you to think) - so, check it out yourself.  Check the reviews from people that went there (wherever you want).
Don't let people tell you what you need.  You're the one that knows that better.

What I usually do is choose the region I'm going.  In between, I never know.  And that's the way I like it to be.  There's nothing wrong with planning, if that makes you feel better.

So, anyways, here goes a few advices:

You should call your credit card company to release the use overseas.  But, even so, unexpected things can happen.  Like they happened, to me.
That's when you'll need the cash.  It'll be sufficient for the straightning out of things period.

This way, you'll always have a back up option, in case you have some disappointment with the first one you chose.  Basic sites I visit:

Having a place to stay is the first and pretty much the only thing you need to plan ahead (not that you should book, you can only sort some ideas of where to stay, and decide when you arrive at your destination).
But if you are to arrive late wherever, then I suggest you do book it ahead.  I confess that it give's a hard time to find a bed, when it's night time.  And it takes up your energy.  So try not let that happen.
If it does happen, face it as another adventure.  Good things have happened in situations alike, even if I finished sleeping in a table top (great night, by the way).
Note that some countries demand that you have a place to stay ahead of time, in order to go through immigration.  Well, I've been to a few, and they did not ask me about a specific place where I would stay.  But it's better.  So just book a couple nights, or one if you'd rather.  You know, facing non sense bureaucracy, use dull strategies.  They're the ones asking you to...

That's piece of cake.  All hostels have one.  They point the main attractions in the area. 
I find it easier to circle what interests me the most.

Lesson #4: ASK AROUND!
Then, the other things are just details.  And the reason for that is because you'll be around the people that live wherever you are.  So they are the ones to be asked.  
Be suspicious of some tips, though.  Some people will just give you an answer because...I don't really know why.  So they'll say whatever...which can mean a wrong direction.  So always double or triple check.
Ordinary people are the most sincere, because they have no interest.

The less is more!  What's good in flying by many many places, and not knowing well not even one?
I've had so much fun in unexpected and non touristic places.  Use your camera as much as you want!  Pictures can only get more special, as time goes by.

Don't go to museums just because other people do.  Go if and because you enjoy art.
If you're into underground stuff, check out the underground scene.  Why go classical if you love alternative?
I like to see typical things.  Things that locals do or go.  They're real (not for tourists to see...most tourists are allienated people, in a respectfull way, I mean), cheaper, better, friendlier...
Touristy things are fake (i.e, some carnaval shows in Rio...better stick with the samba school rehearsals at the communities or on site) and a total waste of time.

Not being prejudiceful, but you have to distinguish real friendly people from fake friendly people.
I'm saying that because they play friends to approach, in order to attack you.  Most tourists look or act like tourists, and they're the ones to be approached, misled and stolen.
One example that happened to me:  First day in Barcelona, Spain, walking down the Ramblas (very touristy site) and this guy comes towards me, in a friendly way, asking for a smoke.  I don't smoke.  He insisted in talking to me, asking where I was from, talking about the brazilian girls, carnaval...he wouldn't leave me, as I walked through a side street to check an art monument, by the sea.
That was suspicious at the beginning and more suspicious then.
I kept, since the first minute, a safety distance, for a defensive reaction.
By the middle of the street, when I noticed things were wrong - less than one minute timeframe - I looked back to put together all the strategies possible, in case of confirmation of that bad feeling.  That's when I realized he wasn't alone.  Another suspicious guy followed us.  Luckly, it was just one more.
I'd not attack him, at first, because he could be just an annoying beggar, like many others.  I didn't wanna precipitate things.
Bad luck hit and, since I wasn't facilitating, he attacked me, trying to pull my camera out of my pocket.
Let me put this way: if I had an expensive watch, I'd not care if he got it and ran.  But don't mess with my pictures!!!
I pushed him away from me, in a more violent way than he did, as he almost fell down.
Automatically, I walked back to middle of the street, to have a better range of the two.  If I had given my back to the second one, he could've got me easily.
I started to yell at them, agressively.  That was enough to make them walk away, as if nothing had happened.  I followed them with my eyes, 'till they turned the street's corner.

I must point that this was all instintively.  I had noticed the factors, ahead of time, if I could fight one of them - enough to give me time to flee - if they were armed and if I could search for help - where's the police in those times??? - and so I did what I did.  But, of course, it's better to let them get what they want and not be harmed.  Discourse and actions are far from each other, at times.

Don't go freaky, about traveling.  In many years, this was the only episode of violence I faced.  And let's agree, it wasn't that dangerous.

Don't doubt how smooth people can be.  A medium backpack can vanish from your very next chair.  It has happened to me on the day I was in an internet cafe...on the day of my very own b-day.  What a present!
The trip was so fine that I just went on.  Didn't even waste my time going to the police station.  What would they do, right?  Plus I was leaving the city the next day, and the country in a couple days.  Small things x big things  (backpack x enjoying my time left): I chose what matters the most...
So, always attention or, as the french say: fait attention! 
(FYI: my thing didn't happen in France)

One of the best experiences, wherever I go, is meeting people from that specific place.
So be polite and proactive.  Be talkative.
I saw, a few days ago, and interesting saying that instantly got me thinking, from Shirley MacLaine: 
Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.
Fantastic saying!  So truthful!

Believe me, it's the best way.  It pushes you to get to know other people.  It allows you to do whatever whenever.  Travelling is relaxing and should not be faced as an appointment.  Some people get more stress out of a trip than at their daily life.
Plus, if you do like me...stay at'll always have good company.  Thousands of people travel that way.  They're the best kind! ;)

Going to a different country means knowing a different culture.  So, if you can't communicate, you won't take full advantage of that!  Come on!  Don't be a lazy ass!  That will be the difference between being as spectator or a participant!  Which role will you choose???
How will you interact with people?  You'll miss the best part!!!
At least be fluent in English.  You'll thank me, later.

In the end, travelling on your own depends of how secure you feel about yourself.  If you're not, it will make you feel!  So give it a chance.

Portuguese slangs

Slangs show that one can go local!  And are some of my faves in travelling, too!  On my way, I find many gringos that speak good Portuguese or are in a good level of communication.  So, in order to help them improve their foreign language skills, here goes a few expressions that only locals know (readers are welcome to suggest new ones) (no bad words, although every foreigner loves to learn them):

Uai é uai, uai! : "uai" has the same sound of "why".  It's a very countryside saying, so to speak.  Or redneck, as you migth say.  Very commom in Minas Gerais (my native state, uai!)  The way that I put it, it's actually a joke.  It's basically the countryside man explaining what "uai" is.  It's simply "uai", he says.  You gotta become brasilian to understand it precisely.

Né!? : it's the contraction of "não é?", a validation question that means "isn't it?"

Trem bão! : means, litteraly, "good train", but of course, it has nothing to do with it.  The meaning of it is "good stuff".    Usually it comes like this: "Trem bão, sô!"  "Sô" is an contraction of "sinhô" or "senhor" (the last one is more formal).  It means "sir".

Ôxi: people say that when they're surprised.

Vixi Maria! : pure exclamation!  It's like "Oh my god!".  It's very common in the northeast of Brasil.  A variation of it is: Vixi Maria, bichim! This is very very northeast.  But it's also a tender way of calling another one.  The "bichim" stress the tenderness.  It comes from the diminutive of "bicho" = "animal".

Popozuda: a funk slang.  Do you remember the song "I like big butts and I can not lie..."?   Well, that's a popozuda.  They make you go crazy, bro!  But some of them just take so much steroids or plastic surgery, that becomes vulgar or just ugly.

Tchutchuca: another funk slang (Rio's funk has nothing to do with US funk).  It a reference to a good looking girl.

Beleza? ... Beleza!: that's a greeting.  The same word is used to answer it, but in a different tone.  It means litteraly beauty, but as a slang, it means "What's up?"  So, if a man goes up to another man and say "Beleza?" the manhood is still there!

Quê que tá pegando?: What's goin' on?

É nóis, fi!: this one comes from the ones in São Paulo state.  Each state has a way of saying things, with particular slangs.  This is hard to translate.  Something like when nobody knows what to do...then everybody get to an agreement and say "é nóis, fi!" 

Ziriguidum: this is the beat of the music, the ziriguidum.

Tem samba no pé: when someone knows how to dance, that's what you say.  It doesn't matter what rhythm you're talking about.

Madeira!!!: it means lit. "wood", but it's used by the people in the woods (forgot the proper name, now), when they cut the tree and warn the ones around that the tree is coming down.  If you say that around a group of people, some will eventually look up to check if something is falling.

Mete bronca: go for it.

Cruz credo!: damn ugly!

Um tiquim só: just a lil' bit.  You can say, also: um cadim só.

Foi um barraco!:  it was a big mess!  (variation: barraqueira: the woman that makes a big mess, usually in public)

Ah nem!: it's an interjection that means something like "oh man!", like when someone is bitching about something. ;)