terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

Throw away my time, the opportunities...

One time, I was talking to a couple of good friends - I mean good friends - about my plans of leaving for a longer time (1 year or more), and one of them came up to me, with the following: "But you're gonna throw away your life!"
He had good intentions.  I explain: in the place where I live, 99% of the newly grad people aim public jobs.  In Brasil, you need to go through a tough test to get into one.  Tougher to get a really good one.
It's just like women, at certain age. (lol)  They see, think and breath marriage, marriage, marriage! (you can't deny that!  Go date a late 20's, early 30's girl!)
So, if you do something a bit different than not following that social pattern, you're called CRAZY! (ok, not by everybody...the rest choose the polite way, and keep that thought to themselves!)
Anyways... I was either 29/30 years old...
That made me think.  Think that, by the things I've had done/made, I'd not be throwing away anything that significant - in a material way, since that was his focus.  Actually, I'd throw away - to use his terms, because I strongly disagree - nothing.
Plus, by the people our age that had rushed into that race - they were already bored with their jobs or depressed because they didn't get one, or...girls!...getting divorced!!! - well, I'd not feel sorry to leave that all for later!
And I've not been, since then!

Everybody talks about changing their lives, not following the standards, being audacious, doing something that fulfills them... I say: uh huh!

Random pictures, from my non-enlightening, non-fulfilling, non-adventurous, not fun experiences:

You know what?  For now, I wanna leave things just the way they are!

2 comentários:

  1. Olá Gustavo...

    Claro que tinha que passar por seu blog depois daquele longo papo sobre fotografias e suas experiências fotográficas. Confesso-me entusiasmado com o seu olhar fotográfico, muito seleto e bem construído, e, acho que você deveria mergulhar fundo na fotografia (e quiçá colocar a advocacia como hobby, rsrs). Siga em frente, afinal, não são todas as pessoas que possuem dom e atitude fotográfica, detalhes que lhe são bem peculiares. Foi um grande prazer conhecê-lo... suas fotos seguirão via e-Mail como lhe prometi. Forte abraço e seja bem vindo ao meu mundo fotográfico. ;o) \o

  2. Obrigado, Marcos. Logo postarei suas fotos aqui. Ficaram muito bacanas. Aliás, vou considerar seu conselho sobre troca de profissão/hobby! rs
